It is a decision to to comply or not. We can assist you to obtain compliance in your workplace safety.

As consultants, we act in the interest of both the employer and employee through thorough assessment of each workplace on merit and by creating a complete site specific Occupational Health and Safety System built on specific site hazards and requirements.

Who We Are

Occupatio Salvus Consultarios also known as OSC Safety Consulting and Training is a consulting orientated company focused on providing specialist Health and Safety services to the private & construction industry mainly focusing on assisting established and medium to large contractors with health and safety systems, staff and support.

We can assist with the following: ISO Systems | SHE Training | Safety Files | Construction Safety | First Aid & CPR Training Courses | Fire Fighting Training | Moderator Courses | Safety Officer Courses | Safety Risk Assessments.

Our Accreditations and Qualifications

We endeavor to obtain accreditations to ensure we are operating at the correct standards. Our current accreditations include SAIOSH (South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, SACPCMP (South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professional) and ETDP.SETA ( Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority. The company is also now also accredited through SAIOSH for two qualifications:



Our two week Safety officer’s course is now accredited. When you completed this course successfully and have the necessary experience you can be accredited by SAIOSH as a Technical member safety professional.



Our one week skills course covering Firefighting level 1, Confined spaces, safe stacking and storage, Hazardous chemicals and permit to work system. This course is for the safety professional who wants more in depth training to increase his/her skills level above the norm.

About Us

This company was formed due to our strong belief that every workplace should be safe. The Director, Johan Slabbert, also the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of the Company, believes that truth and honesty with clients and prospective clients, is of utmost importance. We do not “wing it” for the sake of profit.
We are able to assist a client or not, and we are honest about this. Thus we believe that everything we do must add real value to the working environment of the client. We believe that all levels of the workforce must be involved in the management of Safety and thus participate positively. To achieve this, a positive Occupational Health and Safety culture must be created. This is done through assessing each workplace on merit, and creating an Occupational Health and Safety system that is site specific, and built on a specific site hazards and requirements.

Our Mission

Creating full and cooperative understanding from management and employees in the workplace, that facilitates an effective Occupational Management System. This will create and maintain Occupational Safety compliance through a positive safety culture

Our Vision

The Mission will be achieved by empowering employers and employees with the suitable skills, systems, support and training in the workplace, big or small. This will be achieved through ensuring our own competency through experience and accreditations by living out our Credo daily.

Our Credo / Values

Trust - Through firm belief and acting responsibly we will install a culture of Care, Protection and Control with our clients.
Competency - Through Ability, Skill, Efficiency and Expertise prove our competency to clients.
Tenacity – Through unyielding Quality and Persistence, create a safe working environment.

Download our Company Profile Here

Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993

Download act by clicking on arrow.

In conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 we intend to train people to provide for the health and safety of persons at work and for the health and safety of persons in connection with the use of plant and machinery. We train people about the protection of persons other than persons at work against hazards to health and safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work and how to establish an advisory council for occupational health and safety and to provide for matters connected therewith.


Train the Trainer Course 
OHASA Training
SHE Training